My Website Doesn’t Drive Leads, How Do I Fix It?

No one wants to say, “My website doesn’t drive leads.” It’s bad news for you, your team, and your company, which is why it’s critical to get your website back in business. That’s why we’ve compiled this mini-guide on how to fix and increase the number of leads generated by your site. Keep reading to find out why you’renot getting leads from your website.

或者,如果你想要一个教授essionalaudit of your site,contact our award-winning team onlineor give us a ring at888-601-5359to speak with a strategist.

Video: How to get more high-quality leads

1. Use SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO)is one of the most underused digital marketing strategies, withonly 44 percent of companiesinvesting in SEO last year. Yet, it is one of the most importanttypes of digital marketing整体。这line marketing strategy has a massive impact onorganic lead generation.When your business uses SEO, you adopt an umbrella of strategies that work to increase your visibility in search results, like on Google.

You want greater visibility in search results because that’s how people and business buyers shop. For reference,more than 90 percent of online experiencesbegin with a search engine.If your organization doesn’t appear in search results related to your industry, business, products, or services, you become nonexistent to your target market.

For your company, that can result in a direct decrease in website leads. Even if you do use SEO, it doesn’t mean instant success. Developing a successful SEO strategy requires skill, as well as an understanding oftechnical SEO.

It’s also anongoing investment. Launching and leaving an optimized page won’t work for any company or industry. You need to make SEO a core part of your business (andlead generation) strategy.

Ok, so how do you use SEO to increase leads from your website?你的薪酬any can start improving your website’slead generationrates with the following steps:

In most cases, your business should start to see contentperform within six months. As your website improves its visibility in search results, your site should experience anincrease in its traffic.That traffic should consist of qualified visitors because you targeted keywords related to your business. If you continue to have trouble with your SEO performance, consider aprofessional SEO audit.

2. Improve your page speed

Speed is another reason for a website to underdeliver when it comes tolead generation. Slow-loading pages can also impact your SEO, which can result in lower rankings, less traffic, and fewer leads. That’s why you want to assess not only your site’s SEO but also your website’s speed.

From a user perspective, it’s easy to understand why a slow site can decrease your number of leads. Nobody wants to wait for your website to load, no matter how great or beneficial your product or service is to businesses. Today, users expect sites toload in two seconds or less.

A surprising number of websites, however, fail to meet that expectation. That’s why improving your page speed is a quick win for your business. Just a single, one second improvement in page speed canboost conversions by seven percent.

In addition to frustrating users, page speed also affects your SEO. When search engines like Google rank sites in search results, they look at thebounce rateof relevant pages. Bounce rate describes the percentage of users that arrived on your page and left (or “bounced”) without interacting with it.

From a search engine’s perspective, this response means users didn’t find what they were looking for on your website. In response, your site’s ranking decreases, which impacts your traffic numbers anddigital lead generationefforts.

So, how can you improve your page speed to drive leads from your website?Optimizing your website for speed requires somedevelopmental expertiseand the following actions:

  • Check your site’s speed with Google’sPageSpeed Insightstool
  • Compile your PageSpeed Insights results and recommendations
  • Update your publishing practices for content and multimedia

A few examples of changes your business may make to your website and publishing policies includes:

  • Compressing your image files
  • Reducing your site’s redirects
  • Decreasing your CSS file sizes
  • Optimizing your HTML files
  • Changing yourwebsite hosting provider

If your company doesn’t have a dedicated developer in-house or a development team with limited time, it’s worth investing inpage speed optimization services. With page speed optimization services, you can maximize your site’s speed, improve your SEO, and increase your number of website leads.

3. Optimize your contact forms

你的薪酬any can earn leads from your website a few ways:

  • A user calls your business, using your site’s dedicated phone number
  • A user signs up for an email newsletter, ebook, or another piece of content
  • A user completes your online contact form

While a phone call is extremely valuable, a contact form is one of the more common ways businesses receive leads. That’s why, if you’re not getting leads on your website, you need to look at your contact forms.Valuable potential leads can arrive on your site, view your products or services, and get excited about contacting your business — until they see your contact form.

Whether you’re asking for too much information or providing a broken form, your contact form can make or breaklead generation.

So, how can youoptimize your contact forms to maximize lead generationon your site?你的薪酬any canrestore the performance of your contact formswith the following tips:

  • Test your form to make sure it works and submits the information to your sales team
  • Ask family, friends, and coworkers to use the form and provide feedback
  • Audit your form fields and determine which ones you need and which ones you don’t
  • Add a compelling, benefit-richcall-to-action (CTA)
  • LaunchA/B teststo experiment with different form fields, copy, and designs
  • Move your contact form above the fold on appropriate pages, like a service or product page

Even after your business completes this in-depth audit and renovation of your contact forms, you can continue to improve their performance and features. With a free tool likeGoogle Optimize, for example, you can continue to run helpful A/B tests to move your lead generation efforts forward.

4. Add compelling CTAs

When you’re not getting leads from your website, you can look at several areas of your website. One area companies often forget to look at, however, is their CTAs. While a CTA may seem minor, it can have a tremendous influence on user actions.

With a CTA, your business providers readers with a recommendation. A service page, for example, may advise users to contact your team to try a demo of your software. Or, it may suggest they complete a form to receive an instant quote.

If your website doesn’t feature a CTA, you leave users with too many options. Even if you do use CTAs across your site, an uncompelling offer can cause potential leads to ignore your instructions. Either way, your business (and its website) aren’t generating leads.

So, how can you use CTAs to increase leads on your website?你的薪酬any can turn your CTAs into persuasive recommendations with the following steps:

  • Research your audience and determine what their wants, needs, and pain points
  • Evaluate your competitors and assess their CTAs andunique selling points (USPs)
  • Use your research and assessment to brainstorm potential CTAs
  • Update yourpage designto make your CTAs stand out from the rest of the page

Boost the influence of your CTAs on users with these tips:

  • Make your CTAs short and to-the-point
  • Focus your CTAs on what the user wants or needs
  • A/B test your CTAs with tools like Google Optimize
  • Keep your CTAs simple and free of buzzwords

Even after your business discovers a formula that works for your CTAs and improves your lead generation efforts, it’s essential to continue developing and testing CTAs. With every update, you can uncover new ways to motivate your audience and maximize your lead generation numbers.

5. Target leads at every stage of the buying funnel

Depending on your business, yourmarketing and advertising strategymay focus on bottom-of-the-funnel users. You want to attract business buyers that are ready to purchase your product or service, not the ones researching and comparing providers. This narrow focus, however, limits your website’s potential when it comes to lead generation.

Companies exclude themselves from a significant market when they ignore top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) and middle-of-the-funnel users (MOFU). While many buyers now take anon-linear approach to purchasing, it’s still easy for marketing and advertising strategies to miss these valuable users. That’s why your business wants to target every part of the buying funnel.

With a comprehensive, all-encompassing approach to the buying funnel, your company can build relationships with future leads, and then sign them when they’re ready to buy.

So, how do you target the entire buying funnel to generate leads?Your business can start benefiting from focusing on TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU users by:

  • Researching what TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU want to know about your industry or services
  • Creating contentthat targets TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU searches and optimizing it for SEO
  • Promoting your contenton social media channels to earn valuable shares and buzz

If you decide to adopt this strategy, remember that it will take time to deliver results. Your content, for example, won’t appear in search results overnight, unless you launch apay-per-click (PPC) campaignto promote it.

Turn your website into a lead-generating machine

If you’re not getting leads from your website, it’s a problem. Today’s business buyers rely on the Internet, as well as search engines, to research, compare, and contact companies.

You need a site that can perform in search results and provide the best user experience possible because that kind of website drives leads. Get started on improving your website’s lead generation numbers today. You can even usewebsite optimization toolsto help you!

Not to mention, WebFX can help youmanage your leads.If you need professional assistance, like with developing, launching, and managing yourSEO strategy,contact WebFX. With decades of experience, plusmore than 7.8 million leadsgenerated for clients in the past five years, we’re the trusted choice for businesses today. To chat with a dedicated strategist now, call us at888-601-5359!

When you work with us, you’rehiring one of the best web designersin the world to create the mostbeautiful websitefor your business!

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