

A lot of people view SEO as a process that doesn’t have much room for deviation. Write great content, get your on-page SEO in order, send outreach emails, build backlinks, hit the front page, rinse and repeat. However, that’s only half of the SEO battle.

It doesn’t matter how great your on-page SEO is if you accidentally set your robots.txt to block site-wide crawler access. Don’t know what a robots.txt is? This post is for you!

让我们看看什么技术SEOis and why you need to学习SEOit if you want to effectively optimize your site. This post is meant to highlight situations that require a background in technical SEO, but not to serve as an instructive solution or技术SEOchecklistfor those situations.



It’s a third category of SEO, different from both on-page and off-page SEO. Simply put, technical SEO is the practice of optimizing your website from a backend perspective. Instead of H1s, outreach, and link building, technical SEO deals with things like URL structuring, redirect codes, your robots.txt and .htaccess files, and much more.

You don’t have to be a computer science major to get technical with SEO, but you do need to be comfortable learning and experimenting with websites at the server level.

Why is technical SEO important?

To be blunt, you’re not being the best SEO you can be if you’re lacking technical SEO know-how. It’s more than just that, though.





So, where does technical know-how come in? Head over toGoogle’s new site testing tool,并插入您的网站:site-testing-tool测试完成后,您将获得三个分数:移动友好,移动速度和桌面速度:site-test-resultsScroll to the mobile speed results, and take a look at the report:mobile-speedDo you know what render-blocking Javascript is? What about browser caching, minifying HTML and CSS, or anything else on that list?

If not, you wouldn’t be able to improve your site’s load speed without help. Google is handing you an actionable list of immediate fixes that will improve your website’s load time, user experience, and rankings. All you need to implement these extremely useful suggestions is a cursory knowledge of your website’s backend.

Duplicate content

At best, duplicate content results in Google simply indexing multiple variations of the same page. At worst, it can result in a penalty or even temporary de-indexing for parts of your website. Either way, you need to know how to deal with the issue of duplicate content, and all potential solutions fall within the realm of technical SEO.

You can approach duplicate content by:在适当页面上使用rel =“ canonical”标签 相关使用301个重定向,以便通过编辑您的.htaccess文件,以使同一内容的所有版本都指向一个位置 301 redirectsSetting a preferred domain in Google’s Search Console so that only one version of your website is indexed经过一些练习后,这三个选择都不是特别难以实施的,但是对您的网站排名良好的能力会产生巨大影响。掌握您的技术知识,您可以轻松处理重复的内容,但不这样做,您will在您的网站上遇到更多问题。


机器人-TXTThe robots.txt text file is used to instruct search engine crawlers. For example, if there are areas of your website that you don’t want crawled and index, you can specify that in your robots.txt. You can disallow single pages, entire directories, or even your whole site.

understa是非常重要的nd how your robots.txt works and the syntax behind it, because the worst case scenario is a site-wide block on search engine crawlers. SEO is pointless if Google doesn’t even crawl your website in the first place! Robots.txt is also used to specify the location of your sitemap to search engine crawlers.

XML sitemaps

AnXML sitemapis a very important tool in your SEO arsenal. Sitemaps serve as blueprints for your website, and ensure that search engine crawlers don’t miss anything when crawling it. While Google will usually find content without a sitemap, having one speeds up the process and ensures that Google’s index reflects your live site as closely as possible.

You can generate a sitemap through a number of free tools and plugins, but you also need to manually submit the sitemap’s URL to Google through your Search Console account.

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  • It’s自由。

Improve your technical SEO skills

Now that you know how important the more technical SEO skillset is, it’s time to start building one for yourself! In my experience, the best teacher of technical SEO is experimentation. Make a fresh website and just play around with it.

Change your robots.txt, try to crawl the site, and see what happens. Practice proper 301 redirect syntax in your .htaccess file. Read up on how to minimize JS, HTML, and CSS, and keep调整和测试until Google’s tool gives you a great speed score.


Anyworthwhile SEO guidewill teach you some of the more technical aspects in passing, even though there may not be a section explicitly titled “technical SEO.”

How does your company approach technical SEO?

Does your marketing team handle these technical details? Do you have a separate team to deal with technical SEO?

Let me know in the comments!

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