
Jessica is a Google Analytics certified Digital Video Analyst at WebFX. She has created over 100 videos for the WebFX YouTube channel (youtube.com/webfx) in the last two years. Jessica specializes in video marketing and also loves content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and many other aspects of digital marketing. When she's not creating videos, Jessica enjoys listening to music, reading, writing, and watching movies.


成绩单:So you’ve come to us to learn Google Ads remarketing. Mm. I see.

Ask and you shall receive. This video will be your go-toGoogle remarketing教程。我们希望这是…

an offer you can’t refuse.

You’ll learn how to set up your Google Ads remarketing campaigns in addition to getting an overview of the options you have when considering为您的业务再营销。So let’s ease into Google retargeting withthe basics。If you want to skip right to the tutorial, look for the timestamp in the YouTube video description.

What are Google remarketing ads?

Google remarketing ads are在线广告that appear to people who have previously interacted with your business. With Google remarketing ads, you can advertise insearch results,,,,Google’s显示合作伙伴网站,,,,YouTube,,,,Gmail,,,,and some apps.

Your ads can take numerous formats including text, display, and video ads.

如果您曾经访问过一个网站寻找特定服务,后来在看似无关的网站上注意到该服务的广告,那么您已经去过targeted by a remarketing campaign

现在,您如何开始进行Google Ads营业?

Get your digital advertising tipsstraight from the experts.

Read the Blog Post & Watch the Video


You need an audience totarget with your remarketing。这是Google广告tag进来。

Google广告tag is a piece of code you add (orhave a developer add)到您的网站页面。该标签可帮助您跟踪人们的访问,并创建您所需的广告系列受众。

If you useGoogle Analytics,,,,you can also use theGoogle Analytics(分析)标签再营销。有了适当的标签,您就可以向已经对您的业务感兴趣的人展示广告,可以访问您的网站。

除了Google广告和分析外,您还可以将您的YouTube或Google Play帐户链接出来,以便再营销这些是您要定位的受众。

You can do this (mostly) from your Google Ads account.

How to create your Google remarketing audience list

在Google广告“受众经理”菜单中的“再营销”选项卡下,单击“ Plus”按钮以开始构建您的受众。Google广告audience manager选择哪些受众最适合您的目标,并填写Google广告所需的所有信息。Google广告remarketing optionsHold on one second.

Just because youcreate an audiencedoesn’t mean you automatically get to use it for your remarketing campaigns.

Google广告remarketing list requirements

Google广告needs a一定数量的数据进行再营销活动。这个方向直接来自Google,因此确实没有解决。

And also, keep in mind that the requirements may change, so do your research. Heck, the requirements I’m going to discuss next might be out of date by the time you watch this video.

Just Google them before you make any decisions.

To useGoogle’s Display Network for remarketing,,,,you need at least 100 site visitors or users over a recent 30-day period. For the Search Network, the number of active visitors goes up to 1000. For Google’s other platforms, like YouTube and Gmail, you need at least 1000 active visitors or users over that 30-day period. Gmail ads, more specifically, need at least 1000 of those visitors to be in the Display Network.



如果你这样做meet the remarketing requirements,,,,you can move on to yourad creation


I’m not going to get super deep intotips for creating your ads。That’s a topic for another day.

Though I will say that you should take time to outline your goals and plan content that will resonate with your target audience. So.

这creation process. In your Google Ads “Campaigns” menu, click the plus button and select “New Campaign.”Create a campaign in Google AdsChoose your goal, your campaign type, and continue on with the required steps.Google广告活动目标再营销的最重要一步是受众的目标。

When you select your campaign audience, either search for the name of the audience you’ve created or select “Browse” and choose the correct audience.选择您的特定再营销列表菜单现在有趣的部分。您可以直接在广告系列菜单中上传,链接到或创建广告。Google广告ad creative menuOnce all of your information is correct, create your campaign and update any other information you need to as you go.


We’ve got a ton ofremarketing guidesand blog posts on our website, which I’ve linked to in the YouTube description, so check those out if you want to keep learning. For more content like this,subscribe to Revenue Weekly,我们的电子邮件新闻通讯,当然还有我们的YouTube频道,,,,for the latest digital marketing advice.

See you next time!

WebFX Careers


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