什么是Google Display网络?A Quick Beginner’s Guide!

Jessica is a Google Analytics certified Digital Video Analyst at WebFX. She has created over 100 videos for the WebFX YouTube channel (youtube.com/webfx) in the last two years. Jessica specializes in video marketing and also loves content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and many other aspects of digital marketing. When she's not creating videos, Jessica enjoys listening to music, reading, writing, and watching movies.

成绩单:If you’ve seen an ad like this [an Adobe and Triscuit display ad appear] when surfing the web, you’ve likely interacted with the Google Display Network. But what is the Google Display Network, and how can you use it for your business’s digital ads?

来自Adobe的展示广告,其中包含“ PDF像老板”一词

Keep watching to find out.

什么是Google Display网络?

谷歌显示网络由大量of websites, Google properties like Gmail and YouTube, and apps that can show your display ads to your target audience.显示广告是视觉广告,通常包含您的业务徽标,照片,一些文本甚至动画。这完全取决于您创建的内容。

Why use the Google Display Network?

The Google Display Network is huge and includesover two million sitesand other locations your display ads can appear. You can reach a lot of potential customers.

Another great benefit is the network’s audience targeting. You have different options to get your ads in front of people with the right interests and intents. Your ads will show up in front of people who fit into your target audience.

It’s like a virtual billboard, but instead of having a bunch of random cars drive by, you’re only showing it to people on the web who would be interested in what’s on it.Because these ads are visual and not just text-based like search ads, you have so much opportunity to get creative and make your ad pop.

A display ad from Best Buy advertising an LG TV

Google Display网络与Google搜索网络

因此,Google有两个不同的广告网络,您应该知道。当然,还有显示网络,但是还有搜索网络。While the Display Network focuses on visual ads,the Search Network focuses on text-based ads. You’ll see Search Network ads in the Google Search results with a small ad tag.Again, display ads will show up on other Google properties like YouTube and Gmail, and in its network of websites.

A Gmail display ad from HelloFresh

The way you target your audience with these ads is different, too.Search ads mainly rely on keywords to determine when your ad will show up. So if someone looking for gourmet cookies searches for the phrase “gourmet cookies,” ads related to that keyword will show up.With display ads, you’re focusing not on keywords but on different audience segments.

How do you target audiences on the Google Display Network?

有几个受众定位方法当您创建Google Display广告时,我将介绍其中的一些。

我将谈论的第一个观众是affinity audience。这是由对您的广告提供的任何感兴趣的人组成的观众。


Next arein-market audiences。这个听起来就像。


Remarketingis also a great way of reaching your audience.


我要谈论的最后一个目标是人口统计目标,它使用一个人的性别和年龄to determine if they see your ad. So if you want to target your ad to people of a certain age, you can.

How do you create Google Display Ads?

You create display ads in your Google Ads account.你可以选择upload your own designsor enter your information for aresponsive display ad,将更改以适合可用空间。

Google's responsive display ad templates

When designing your responsive display ad, you’ll upload elements like your logo, images related to your brand, videos, and add headlines, descriptions, and more.You can really get creative with your ad copy and the visual elements.

How much does the Google Display Network cost?

There isn’t really one answer. The cost can vary depending on how much you want to spend, who you’re targeting, and the industry you’re in. But don’t worry, you can set a budget that works for you.We’veput together a blog post关于Google广告的平均成本,因此您可以估算您在广告系列上的花费。The cost can also change if you decide to partner with a digital marketing agency, and we can recommend a really, really good one forppcmanagement因此,如果您准备通过Google Display Network开始发展业务,请不要犹豫contact usor call at888-601-5359



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