4Tools to Make GIFs That Beef Up Your Content

Trevin is theWebFX业务发展总监高级。他从事超过450次营销活动,并且已经建立了20多年的网站。他的作品由搜索引擎Land,《今日美国快速公司》和Inc.展出。

您知道视频是否增加了对产品或服务的理解乘以74%?或者那个90% of internet usersagree that videos help them decide whether or not to buy a product? Videos are easily the best way to capture and retain attention online.

但是,制作专业级视频意味着预算足够大,可以做到这一点。如果您没有预算或内部功能,则有另一种选择:animated GIFs.GIF易于在网站,内容或即使在电子邮件中



GIFs aren’t只是一些愚蠢的文件格式您无法识别为视频或图像。它们是内容营销界的重要组成部分,几乎可以在每个数字环境中使用,从Facebook帖子和推文到评论部分和论坛主题。

这y increase the shareability of content, can depict products and demos effectively, and add a little life to otherwise bland text articles. Let’s explore four sites and tools to help you make use of GIFs in your future content.


This is my personal favorite tool to make GIFs. Not only is it free, but it allows you to capture any region of our computer screen and record for as long as you’d like. Using it is as simple as dragging the box to your desired width and height, and then pressing record and stop: How_to_licecap

Uses for Licecap

Since you can easily capture anything you do on your computer screen, Licecap is a great way to make GIFs that support a digital product or service, such as software, apps and tools. Some practical uses include:

  • GIFs showing how to download software
  • Step-by-step GIFs showing how to install software
  • GIF显示如何导航用户界面
  • GIF强调产品或服务的功能和好处
  • 伴随常见问题部分的GIF,以更好地自动化客户服务







clothespin-earbud-holderGIFs created on imgflip come with a subtle watermark in the bottom left corner. While imgflip is a free-to-use tool, removing the watermark requires a $9/month membership to the site.

3。Giffing Tool

与LiceCap类似,Giffing Tool是一个免费使用的应用程序,您可以将其拖动到自定义尺寸并点击记录。但是,Giffing Tool具有一套功能,包括视频过滤器,字幕,裁剪,循环,逆转,合并,颜色等:虽然Giffing工具是免费的,但它遵循与Imgflip相同的格式,并在GIF上放置微妙的水印。为了删除水印,Giffing工具提供了“支付您想要的东西”型号,您可以在其中输入任何金额并接收无水印版本的访问权限。


Giffing Tool is essentially a feature-packed Licecap and thus offers more flexibility and customization when creating our clips. For example, you might caption an educational GIF with “Step 1: Locate the download button” or “How to install the software.”



它们是强调观点或可视化情感/反应的聪明方法: interestinggiphyis one of the most popular and updated sites hosting a variety of GIFs. You can browse the organized categories and quickly find a relevant GIF to spruce up your content.



For example, after a user hits the “submit” button on a form, you might show a “thanks for signing up” message and display a GIF like this:另外,您知道您可以将GIF直接插入Gmail中的电子邮件中吗?尝试在下一个中测试GIF电子邮件营销广告系列以查看是否会导致更高的点击率。


这sites and tools we’ve covered will help you quickly implement GIFs on any type of digital content. With营销人员的70%计划在2015年增加对原始视觉资产的使用,没有比现在更好的时间上GIF火车了。 原始视觉统计买家的旅程被束缚在您的现场内容和现场内容上。使用GIF可以轻松提高您的潜在客户获取和转换率,尤其是如果您当前的产品和服务页面几乎没有视觉资产。




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