
Macy is a Content Writer at WebFX. With a Content Marketing Certification, she's an expert in crafting pieces filled with the facts about all things digital marketing. You'll find many of her pieces featured on UpCity's Top Digital Marketing Articles of the Week. When she isn't clacking her keys, she's wondering why her dog is so cute. Follow her on Twitter@iinfinitestorm.

结束one billion daily users在Facebook上,您有一个很好的机会向对您的业务感兴趣的人做广告。还有另一个奖励?由于Facebook拥有Instagram,因此您可以同时在两个平台上使用相同的广告进行广告。

As you investigate your advertising options, you’ll find that there are manyFacebook广告位置可用于您的企业。那么,哪个位置最好?以及如何选择正确的类型的Facebook广告?

We’ll answer those questions, and more, in this guide to Facebook advertising placements. Keep reading to find out more!

Facebookad placement options: Where can my ads appear?


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Facebook受众网络

除非您另有说明,否则Facebook将把您的广告放在这些平台上的任何一个中(我们稍后会深入研究)。至于安置,您有很多选择where your ads can appearon these different platforms.

Facebook广告位置: In-feed

The first place we’ll look at is the option for your ads to appear in social media feeds. Here are the possibilities for in-feed ad placements.


If you’ve ever scrolled through Facebook and seen a sponsored post, you’ve seen a Facebook newsfeed ad. These ads blend in with other content on the page and appear in a targeted user’s newsfeed.

您可以在桌面,Facebook应用程序和移动浏览器上的Facebook上看到这些广告。Instagram newsfeed

我们的Facebook广告位置列表的下一个是Instagram NewsFeed。通过应用程序访问Instagram时,这些广告会出现在您的提要中。

Like Facebook feed ads, these ads blend into users’ newsfeeds and look like regular posts.FacebookMarketplace



When you run an ad in the Facebook video feed, your ad appears in two places. You can appear in a video-only environment like the Facebook Watch section of the app, or in the Facebook newsfeed.Facebookright column

Another one of Facebook’s advertising placement is in their right column.

Your audience will only see these ads on desktop.Instagram Explore

Instagram Explore广告出现在用户的新闻源中,但根据其在搜索和探索部分中的看法触发。如果有人单击本节中的照片或感兴趣的视频,例如化妆,它可以像下面的新闻源一样触发相关的广告,如下面的广告。

Facebook Messenger收件箱

With Messenger inbox ads, your ads appear on the home tab of Facebook Messenger.


Next on our list of Facebook advertising placements is stories. Your ads can appear in the stories feature for the following platforms:

  • Facebook故事
  • Instagram Stories
  • Messenger Stories

These ads appear in between friends and family’s story posts as a user clicks through to the next one. You’ll see the brand’s name in the top left corner of their ad, as well as the word “sponsored” to indicate paid content.

Other ad types


Facebookin-stream video ads



When you choose this Facebook ad placement option, your ads appear next to Marketplace search results, as well as relevant Facebook results.

Messenger sponsored messages



How to choose your Facebook ad placements


  1. 进入广告经理
  2. 选择你的广告目标(笔记:并非所有目标都支持所有广告位置!)
  3. Go to the placements section (笔记:自动放置是预选的)
  4. Select manual placement
  5. 取消选中您不希望广告出现的位置
  6. 选择您希望广告出现的设备(桌面和手机)
  7. Deselect (if applicable) the platforms you don’t want your ads on (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network)
  8. Save your changes

Should you do an automatic ad placement or manual ad placement?

You’ll notice that with your ads, you can choose automatic placement or manual placement. When you’re presented with these options, you may wonder if you should choose your ad placement or let Facebook choose it for you.

The answer isn’t exactly straightforward. Both options have their benefits for your business.

Benefits of automatic ad placement

If you want to get the most out of your budget, automatic ad placement can be your best option. Facebook will place your ads in locations that will help you maximize your budget. At the same time, you still might show ads in places that don’t drive the best results for your business.


On the other hand, manual ad placement enables you to streamline your ads through placements that you know will reach your audience. You’re choosing where your ads show up, so you can put your ads in placements where your audience is likely to see them. The downfall with this option is that your placements may not be the most cost-effective.

Overall, you need to determine your campaign’s goals, so you can decide if the manual placement or automatic placement will benefit your business more.

4 Facebook ad placement best practices

在你开始选择你的Facebook advertising placements, check out these four best practices!

1. Choose the right ad objective

When you look at Facebook ad placements, you’ll find that some ad objectives don’t support certain types of placements. If you’re looking to choose your ad placements manually, you need to ensure that your ad objective enables you to determine the placement you desire. You can see an extensive list of ad objectives and their supporting ad placements below:




  • Which placements garner the most engagement
  • Which platforms your audience uses the most (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • 哪些位置成本最高
  • Which placements have the best return on investment for your business
  • Which devices your audience uses the most

This information can help you create ads that target your best placement options, which you can set with manual placement.



If you limit your business to only one or two placements, you might not reach as many people as you would if you were limited to seven or eight placements. Additionally, you limit yourself to the most expensive placements, which can quickly eat up your budget. So, while you can get selective with your Facebook ad placements, try not to narrow down your list so far that it negatively impacts your campaign!

4. Keep track of your ad campaigns

When you’re trying out different Facebook advertising placements, keep track of your campaign performance. You want to ensure that your campaigns are driving the results you desire. Every ad campaign is different.

您可能会有一个在Facebook NewsFeed中表现良好的广告,而另一个广告系列在Instagram故事中表现最好。如果您跟踪广告系列,则可以掌握在有效的工作之上,如果他们不成功,可以调整他们的位置。

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Get help choosing your Facebook advertising placements with a Meta Business Partner

有了这么多的Facebook广告位置,您可能不知道从哪里开始或如何确定哪些效果最好。在WebFX,我们有十多年的运行经验social media advertisingcampaigns and can help you find the right placements for yours. In fact, we’ve driven over$3 billion in sales and over 7.8 million leads对于过去五年来我们的客户。准备发射Facebook广告活动that helps you reach more qualified leads and earn sales?

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