How to Name Your Blog: 2021 Blog Naming Tips

WebFX团队由数字营销,SEO,Web Design和Web开发,社交媒体等的450多个主题专家组成。他们共同帮助WebFX的客户从网络中获得了超过30亿美元的收入,而这仅仅是在过去的五年中。

命名博客可能会感到压力 - 毕竟,您希望它能够完美地反映您的品牌并实现您的内容正义。在此页面上,我们有一些技巧可以帮助您命名博客。如果您还没有创建完美的博客,接触到WebFX了解有关我们的更多信息blogging services!

Tips to help you name your blog



  • 相关的:您的博客标题应与您提供的内容有关。
  • 简洁的:If your URL is extremely bulky, it will be difficult to share posts, and it will not be user-friendly.
  • Original:做你自己的。完美的博客名称将是您和您的博客所独有的。

Your blog name should not be…

  • Taken:Your URL is technically an address, and you can’t live in the same place as another website. Be sure to choose a blog name that isn’t already taken. Test to check your domain name’s availability here:
  • 趋势:Trending topicsare great and interesting, but trends come to an end, and your blog is a long-term investment.
  • Confusing:You want your readers to get what they expect every time they open your blog. That said, your blog title should give users an idea of what they’ll be reading when they visit.

Steps to name your blog

There are a variety of ways to successfully name your blog. Below are the steps in creating a blog name that is relevant and your own original concept, while also being concise and relevant.

Find inspiration


  • Why are you creating the blog?
  • 您的博客将涵盖哪些主题?
  • 您可以合并任何双关语吗?
  • Do you want to use your name in your blog’s title?
  • What is your location?

These are just a few brainstorming questions to help you determine what words you will use to shape the title of your blog.





对于那些好奇的人来说,这是“ Pomme de terre”。一个很好的看来,是希腊主题围绕您的博客旋转的主题的根源。希腊语单词倾向于听起来优雅,同时也表明其英语含义。


Slang words sometimes sound like a different language.

If you are writing for the Philadelphia area, put “Jawn” in your title. If you are writing for California, you can always use the word “bail” or “bombie”. Some slang words grow and spread, but it is important to not restrict your blog’s reach with slang words.

If you are writing primarily for a specific location but don’t want to confuse other readers, simply put an explanation on your about page.


Another way to create variants is through homophones. You are a writer who writes, right? Say that five times fast.

我不建议写关于钻石的博客作者将其博客称为“胡萝卜的剪裁”,但可能会起作用。寓言还可以帮助博客的名字滚开舌头。当我创建第一个博客时,我将其称为“ Word Wing”,并制作了标语,“在页面上飞出了单词”。

It is playful and fun, which matched the blog’s style and appearance. That blog was also a personal experiment where I was truly “winging it” to learn about my ability to write. Be creative with this and remember that you do not have to spell your title correctly and can always abbreviate.

Variant titles are extremely fun to play with and if it has a story behind it, readers will be enthralled when you divulge the secret origins of the title.


You have come up with all the relevant words and variants, now it is time to remove the irrelevant words or words you don’t like. Get rid of titles that don’t roll off your tongue, don’t make sense in the context of your blog, or ones that you never liked in the first place. Continue to create variations as you eliminate.

After you have narrowed it down to a handful of names, ask what others think. This is an important step since it can help determine if others will understand your puns or slang words. After you’ve put your blog titles to the test, select a top five, and go from there.

Eventually, you’ll make it down to your top two, and soon enough, you’ll have a winner.

Word generators

If you are feeling stumped on the word creation stage, find a word generator and search to your heart’s content. This is a great place to get your creativity flowing. Add these words to the list and continue through the steps.

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Finalize your blog’s title

最后,选择博客的标题应该是一种有趣的体验。您的博客标题应该对您和您的品牌忠实,最重要的是youare satisfied with it! If you need help creating blog content, or needtips on launching your blog, be sure to check in with WebFX!

我们还有博客创建服务to help you with writer’s block.Contact us onlineor give us a call at888-601-5359to learn more!

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