What Are the Most Important KPIs for Google Ads?

每次点击广告(PPC)的最大优势之一是能够随着时间的推移衡量广告的性能。Google Ads(以前称为Google AdWords)等分析工具向您展示了一系列不同的指标,其中许多是关键的性能指标(KPI),揭示了您的广告的成功程度。


The best metrics may vary from one campaign to another, but theseGoogle广告KPI是取得成功最有用的一些。


Successful ads have to start by showing up for people in your target audience. Every time your ad displays, it’s called an “impression.”

The impressions metric isn’t necessarily an indication of how well your ad is performing, but it shows you how many people actually see it. And you can’t have a successful ad if nobody sees it in the first place, so you need to watch the number of impressions you get per day, week, or month.

2. Click-through rate


The percentage of people who click your ads to go to your site is called the “click-through rate” (CTR). These are the people that your ad engaged, and a high CTR is an indication that your ad is performing exceptionally well.

As you measure CTR, you may discover one search term outperforming another, or a call to action that’s particularly powerful. Look at the ads that get the best CTR to determine how you can refine your whole strategy for more clicks.

3。Conversion rate


The people who follow through with that action contribute to your conversion rate, which is a measurement of how many people click on your ads and然后become customers.

This KPI will also give you an idea about how good yourGoogle广告投资回报率(ROI)是。您的转化率越好,您赚的钱就越多。





See how WebFX created a YTD SEO conversion increase of113%and a YTD SEO user increase of46%for a client.


5. Average position


Your ad needs to place eighth or higher to get on the first page of ad results. Naturally, the ad that’s listed first has the best chance of getting the most clicks, but that doesn’t mean your campaign is bad if you show up lower than that.

In fact, you can still get enough traffic and conversions to justify your PPC campaign if your average position is seventh or eighth — you just won’t get as much traffic as first or second.

6。Quality score

Quality score is an expression of how reliableyour companyis in showing people relevant information. So if someone looks up “running shoes,” then clicks your ad, but they go to a page about dress shoes, your quality score won’t be high.

However, if someone looks up “running shoes,” then clicks on your ad, and they go to a page that sells sneakers, your quality score will be much higher — and you’ll probably get a new customer!

When your quality score is high, Google Ads will actually give you a discount on your ad costs since you’ve proven that you’re a reliable source of information for Google users. That means your cost per conversion goes down and your ROI goes up.

But when your quality score is low, you’ll actually paymore保持同样的广告定位的关键词。That’s why it’s important to learnhow to improve your Google Ads quality score



另一方面,如果您的质量得分是一个,您就付款400% more因为您已经向Google展示了您的来源很差。

考虑到这一点,关注您的质量分数至关重要 - 特别是如果您想节省PPC广告系列的钱。

WebFX knows KPIs and PPC

At WebFX, we have a full team of PPC experts who have worked in the industry for years. They know how to help companies grow, especially over long periods of time. With your investment in good hands, we’ll check critical KPIs as often as possible to make sure your PPC campaign brings you more customers — and revenue.

Contact us today to set up a PPC strategy that’ll help grow your company!