
Trevin is theSr. Director of Business Development at WebFX。他从事超过450次营销活动,并且已经建立了20多年的网站。他的作品由搜索引擎Land,《今日美国快速公司》和Inc.展出。

Content is king, and that’s a golden rule in Internet marketing. From site pages to email blasts and far beyond, the content you create represents your brand and engages your audience. Good content doesn’t just mean reading material for your site visitors, either — its biggest advantage is attracting leads.

And considering that78% of B2B marketers say generating more leadsis their biggest challenge, content has a lot of potential. But how can you attract sales leads with content? One of the most effective ways is to make your content interactive.

Basically, you engage your readership in a way that requires their participation. Then, they respond through pre-determined criteria that you’ve created, all of which are designed to narrow their intent and convince them to use your services.There are dozens of avenues at your disposal to interact with your customers, and that means a lot of potential lead generation.

These are just a handful of the most successfulinteractive content格式。

Interactive infographics are perfect brand awareness pieces

Using an interactive infographic combines the eye-catching appeal of simple, bite-sized information with immersive, customer-focused participation. The combination is a match made in heaven that can leave a positive, lasting impression on potential customers. You don’t even have to talk about your products for this kind of interactive content to generate leads.


随着您的行为,您会根据自己的行为来了解每天使用多少水,而Levi的小徽标巧妙地隐藏在右下角。 Daily Dose of WaterSee it? It’s just a tiny link back to Levi’s homepage.

显然,李维(Levi)与图表的主题无关 - 他们出售的服装充其量与用水相关。另外,他们柔软的间接广告方法很容易成为可能的最被动形式的广告形式之一,更不用说柔和的呼吁采取行动了。关键是Levi与用户发现引人注目的热主题,有用的信息相关联。

While they only include a soft-spoken logo, smaller companies can encourage conversions by including a contact form (or a link to one) on the last page of an interactive infographic.

Calculators let users work at their own pace


As an added bonus, calculators also create a dialogue between you and your potential customers right off the bat since they’re giving you information that you can use to help them. On our site, we usequote calculators帮助访客更好地了解我们的服务期望。 CalculatorA message at the end of the calculation asks (but doesn’t require) users to provide contact information so that they can continue moving down the sales funnel.

And after that, they’re talking to us! Like interactive infographics, calculators don’t need much branding or blaring calls to action. Their primary function is to serve the user reliably, and if they can do that, then you’ve already shown a potential customer that you want to help.


Quizzes tell users what they need based on your criteria

Everyone loves quizzes, and they’re not just for Buzzfeed anymore. You can utilize quizzes similarly to interactive infographics by asking questions that correspond to pre-determined criteria. At the end of the quiz, you can present users with a contact form, a suggestion, or resources where they can learn more, all of which give them a reason to stay on your site and gradually encourage them to convert.


The online athletic clothing retailerFabletics uses quizzesto drivemembership转换。Their quiz is all about a site visitor’s preferences as they’re exercising, allowing users to pick the workout environments they like, the regimens they choose, and much more. Plus, they give users the chance to include personal information like birthdays and household income to better target products to their customers — but that information is completely optional, so users don’t have to include it if it makes them uncomfortable.

Still, their smartest business move hits site visitors right off the bat. Fabletics测验A half-off deal on a quiz about your workout preferences? Fabletics couldn’t have hit the nail more on the head.

Ultimately, their goal is to sell product. But a 50% off deal for someone’s name and contact info ensures people will come back.作为奖励,测验也恰好是tremendously successful on social media

Granted, most of them are targeted toward non-business demographics, but you can still design a quiz that draws the attention of potential customers and move them through the sales funnel. Everyone likes information — especially when it’s tailored to them.


这些只是产生销售线索的几种交互式内容。但是,这意味着天空在潜力方面是极限。您有无数的选项可以吸引任何网站访问者的注意,并指导他们通过销售渠道 - 以上三个只是最好的!



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