5+ Digital Content Marketing Tips for Nailing Your Strategy

5+ Digital Content Marketing Tips for Nailing Your Strategy

Content marketinghas the power to generatethree times more leadsthan traditional marketing. And in today’s digitally-connected world, you needquality contentto reach leads and grow your business. Need some digital content marketing tips to take your strategy to the next level?

You came to the right place. Find out how to turbocharge your site with these sixdigital content marketingtips! Want to skip ahead and view ourcontent marketing services?

Go right ahead — learn howcustom content marketing servicesfrom WebFX can grow your business!


What is digital content marketing?

Digital content refers to varioustypes of online content marketingincluding:

  • Website copy
  • Blog posts
  • Online guides and ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • Video
  • And more

Without online content, search engines like Google would have nothing to rank in results. If you want your business to appear at the top of results for searches related to your business, you need to create digital content. In-depth,quality contenthelps your site rank higher in search results, so you can earn more leads and revenue.

Needs some tips to improve yourdigital content marketing strategy? Check out these creative content marketing ideas!

6 tips for supercharging your digital content marketing strategy

If your digital content marketing needs a refresh, take a look at these six tips.

1. Keyword research: Find out what your audience wants to read

Successfulcontent marketing strategiesstart with keyword research. With tools likekeywordtool.io,KeywordsFX, andAnswerThePublic, you can identify topics that interest your target audience. This allows you to hone in on the most valuable content topics for your business.

When conducting keyword research, it’s important to look for topics with high monthly search volumes and low competition, so you have a better chance of ranking at the top of search results. Often, creating content that targetslong-tail keywords— phrases with three or more words — produces the best results for businesses. Why?

Long-tail keywords are more specific, and they give you greater insight into a searcher’s intent. For example, if someone searches “running shoes,” they might want to purchase a new pair of shoes, but they could also just be researching the best shoes for marathon training. On the other hand, if they search the longer tail phrase “buy women’s Nike running shoes,” it’s clear they’re ready to purchase.

For businesses, it’s important to understand a searcher’s intent, so you can provide digital content that includes the information they want to find — and encourages them to buy.

Bonus Reading: SEO vs. Content Marketing

2. Write content for search engines and readers

Next, it’s important to write digital content with search engines and readers in mind. Yes, you want your content to rank at the top of search results. Just remember — you’re writing for human readers too — people you want to become customers.

While you want to include your target keywords in content — especially in your page titles, headings, and body copy — avoidstuffing your copy with keywords. Keyword-stuffed copy sounds unnatural to readers, and search engines won’t rank your site content if it doesn’tprovide a good experience for users. Targeting thePosition Zero spot in search engine resultscan also help you write content that benefits readers and ranks at the top of results.

Position Zero refers to Google search results that appear above the first organic result. P0 results directly answer a searcher’s query without them needing to click the link to visit a site. For example, when I search “best hikes in the world,” Google returns a P0 result with a list of the top hiking spots.

Then, if searchers want to learn more, they can easily click the link in the P0 spot to visit the site and check out their content. Creating content that targets P0 can help your business rank at the top of search results, and it allows searchers to easily find the information they need. Here are a few quick tips for earning a P0 spot:

  • Arrange content in lists and tables
  • Use questions in subheadings
  • Create content that directly answers searchers’ questions
  • Include images that support your content
  • Break content into easily digestible snippets

更多信息在妨碍你最P0现货valuable keywords,check out our helpful tips. Want more web writing tips? Read our post abouthow to write for the web.

3. Break up text with engaging visuals

创建数字内容提供游客with a great user experience, you’ll also want to break up text withengaging visuals. Let’s face it — you can write an amazing piece of content, full of valuable information. But nobody wants to read block after block of plain text.

*Actual footage of your site readers scrolling through blocks of text (right before they hit the back button — ouch). Spice up yourcontent marketingwith images, videos, graphics, and interactive elements.More than half of the populationconsists of visual learners, and the human brain processes visuals faster than text.

Adding visuals to your site content engages visitors, makes it easier for them to digest information and encourages them to spend more time on your site — which signals to search engines that your site provides agreat user experience. Need some more tips for using images and videos for content marketing? Take a look atthis blog post!

4. Share your content

After you create a piece of content, it’s time to share it! Make your content easily shareable with social sharing buttons, and encourage readers to like and tweet.You can also share digital content via your ownsocial media platforms.

This is a great way to increase brand reach and send social followers back to your website to learn more. In addition to sharing on social, don’t be afraid to reach out toindustry influencersand other businesses to see if they’re willing to share your content. If they like what they see, they may share your content on their own sites and include abacklink to your site.

Search engines consider the number and quality of backlinks when ranking sites, so the more links from authority sites you earn, the better.

5. Monitor analytics and optimize

After publishing and sharing your digital content, you might think your job is over. Spoiler alert — it’s not. One of the most important parts of digital content marketing is monitoring your analytics on a regular basis.

Tools likeGoogle Analyticsallow you to determine the most popular pages on your site, as well as your biggest conversion-driving pieces of content. If you find a particular topic or style of content works well for your business, you can create more of that type of content. On the other hand, if pages about a topic don’t get a lot of traction, you can tweak your strategy to focus on content your audience wants to see.

Pro-tip: While it’s important to monitor traffic to your digital content, you also want to pay attention to conversions.

A blog post can garner thousands of views, but if customers don’t convert, your goal isn’t complete — and you may need to tweak your calls-to-action (CTAs) and streamline the conversion process.

6. Refresh content on a regular basis

Finally, make it a point to incorporate ongoing page optimizations into your digital content marketing strategy. Search engines and site visitors love fresh, quality content. Sokeep your content updatedon a regular basis to rank at the top of search results and engage readers.

In addition to posting new content, you can alsooptimize existing contenton your site to reach even more potential customers. Tools likeAhrefsallow you to monitor your page rankings and identify content that could use a boost. Regularly optimizing your content can help you regain rankings and ensure your digital content matches searchers’ intent and provides them with a great experience on your site.

Take your digital content marketing to new heights

Want to give your digital content a boost?

WebFX is acontent marketing companythat can help. Check out ourcontent marketing services, andcontact us todayto learn more.

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