
143 Fresh Marketing Stats for 2023

Marketing is changing in 2023. Are you ready?

To make sure you have the information you need to grow your business in the coming year, we’ve compiled 143+ marketing stats that define every sector of数字营销. Whether you’re looking for SEO statistics, PPC statistics, content marketing statistics,social media statisticsor digital marketing statistics, you’ll find them here.

Check out these statistics on marketing to stay at the top of your industry!

SEO marketing stats

SEO marketing statistics Google SERPS

  1. 93% of online experiences start with search engines (Source)
  2. 95% of search traffic goes to the first page of search results (Source)
  3. 91% of pages on the Internet never get any organic traffic (Source)
  4. 89% of marketers say SEO is successful (Source)
  5. 80% of local searches convert (Source)
  6. 75% of search engine users don’t click past the first page (Source)
  7. 71% of B2B customers start their research with search engines (Source)
  8. 70% of clicked search results are organic (Source)
  9. 68% of all clicks go to the first five positions in search results (Source)
  10. 61% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from mobile-optimized sites (Source)
  11. 60% of SMBs that use SEO also use PPC (Source)
  12. 55% of businesses invest in professionalSEO services(Source)
  13. 53% of businesses that spend more than $500 per month on SEO services from anSEO agencyrate themselves as “extremely satisfied” compared to businesses that spend less than $500 per month (Source)
  14. 50% of search engine users visit a store within a day of a local search (Source)
  15. 43% of consumers research products while in a store (Source)
  16. 40% of marketers say algorithm changes are the biggest challenges to SEO (Source)
  17. 38% of marketers say budget constraints are the biggest challenges to SEO (Source)
  18. 36% of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have optimized sites(Source)
  19. 14.6% of all SEO leads close (as opposed to 1.7% of outbound leads) (Source)
  20. The average word count for first-page organic search results is 1,890 (Source)
  21. Google fields more than 2 trillion searches per year (Source)
  22. B2B customers are 57% of the way to buying before they perform an action on your site (Source)
  23. $497.16 is what the average U.S. business spends on SEO services each month (Source)


PPC marketing stats

PPC marketing statistics Google SERPS

  1. Roughly 80% of all companies focus on Google AdWords for PPC (Source)
  2. 60% of people can’t identify ads in search engine results pages (Source)
  3. 75% of people say paid ads make it easier to find what they need (Source)
  4. 41% of all clicks go to the top three paid ads in search results (Source)
  5. 65% of all high-intent searches result in an ad click (Source)
  6. PPC visitors are 50% more likely to buy than organic visitors (Source)
  7. 65% of B2B companies have acquired customers through LinkedIn ads (Source)
  8. Search ads increase brand awareness by as much as 80% (Source)
  9. 52% of PPC clicks come from mobile (Source)
  10. 32% of companies use PPC to sell products directly to consumers (Source)
  11. On average, businesses earn $8 for every $1.60 spent on Ads (Source)


Mobile marketing stats

  1. 76% of people shop on their smartphone
  2. 90%的人已经purchase on their smartphone
  3. More than 50% of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices (Source)
  4. 50% of mobile searches are for local search results (Source)
  5. More than 40% of online transactions happen on mobile devices (Source)
  6. 52% of people are less likely to engage with a company with a bad mobile site (Source)
  7. 61% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from mobile-optimized sites (Source)
  8. The average mobile session is 40 minutes (Source)


Content marketing stats

  1. Content marketing costs 62% less thantraditional marketing(Source)
  2. Content marketing generates 3x more leads than traditional marketing (Source)
  3. 88% ofB2B marketersuse content marketing (Source)
  4. Businesses that use content marketing get 6x more conversions than businesses that don’t (Source)
  5. 73% of major organizations hire someone specifically to manage content marketing (Source)
  6. Only 42% ofB2B marketerssay they’re effective at content marketing (Source)
  7. 60% of marketers create at least one piece of new content daily (Source)
  8. Content marketing leaders experience 7.8x higher annual growth (19.7%) than their followers (2.5%) (Source)
  9. 78% of CMOs believe custom content is the future of marketing in general (Source)
  10. 39% of marketing spend goes to content marketing, according to B2B marketers (Source)
  11. 48% of small organizations have documented content marketing strategies (Source)
  12. 41% of large organizations have documented content marketing strategies (Source)
  13. 58% of marketers say original written content is more important than other formats (Source)
  14. On average, B2B marketers use 13 content marketing strategies (Source)
  15. 72% of marketers believe branded content is more effective than magazine advertising (Source)
  16. 69% of marketers say content is better than direct mail and public relations (Source)
  17. 60% of marketers reuse content between 2-5 times (Source)
  18. 64% of B2B marketers outsource writing (Source)
  19. 72% of marketers produce “significantly more” content than they did last year (Source)
  20. 82% of marketers who regularly blog see positive ROI frominbound marketingin general (Source)
  21. 76% of B2B marketers blog (Source)
  22. 81% of marketers plan to increase original written content (Source)
  23. In marketing, infographic usage grew from 9% to 52% (Source)
  24. Infographic demand has grown 800% in one year (Source)
  25. 28% of marketers want to learn more about podcasting (Source)
  26. 44% of marketers say content production is their biggest challenge (Source)
  27. Only 10% of marketers use gamification to reach customers (Source)
  28. Content with visuals gets 94% more views than text-only content (Source)
  29. Videos improve conversions by 86% (Source)
  30. 55% of marketers say they’ll prioritize visual content (Source)


Video marketing stats

  1. 63% of businesses use video for marketing (Source)
  2. Videos improve conversions by 86% (Source)
  3. 80% of people switch between online search and video when researching a purchase (Source)
  4. 90% of users say video helps them make a purchase decision (Source)
  5. Over 55% of shoppers used online video when shopping in store (Source)
  6. People spend 88% more time on pages with video (Source)
  7. 92% of people share videos with others (Source)
  8. 83% of marketers that use video believes it delivers a good ROI (Source)


Email marketing stats

  1. For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $36 in ROI (Source)
  2. 89% of marketers say email is their primary lead generation strategy (Source)
  3. 41% of marketers rely on email marketing analytics for performance data (Source)
  4. The top 20% of email marketing companies earn an ROI of 70-1 or more (Source)
  5. Email list segmentation increases average CTR from 3% to 8%, an increase of about 167% (Source)
  6. 33% of all emails are opened on iPhones (Source)
  7. 61% of consumers enjoy weekly promotional emails (Source)
  8. 32% of companies report an increase in revenue within one year of usingmarketing automation(Source)
  9. Personalized subject lines increase email opens by 41.8% (Source)
  10. 82% of all companies use email marketing (Source)
  11. Email is 40x more effective at getting customers than Facebook or Twitter (Source)


Social media marketing stats

  1. 7 in 10 Americans use social media (Source)
  2. 3.48 billion people use social media (Source)
  3. 87%的营销人员使用cial media, the most common form of content marketing promotion (Source)
  4. 91% of B2B marketers distribute content through LinkedIn (Source)
  5. 73% of B2B marketers distribute content through YouTube (Source)
  6. 20% more B2C marketers used LinkedIn this year than last year (Source)
  7. 74% of people use social media when making purchasing decisions (Source)
  8. 90% of young adults (18-29) use social media (Source)
  9. The most important social networks to teens and young adults are Instagram (32%), Twitter (24%), Facebook (14%), Snapchat (13%), andTumblr(4%) (Source)
  10. 92% of all Twitter interactions are link clicks (Source)
  11. 90% of Instagram users are younger than 35 (Source)
  12. More than 50% of YouTube views come from mobile devices (Source)
  13. The average mobile session is 40 minutes (Source)


Influencer marketing stats

influencer marketing statistics example with Rand Fishkin

  1. 92% of people trust recommendations from other people over brands (Source)
  2. Between 2013 and 2016, interest in influencer marketing jumped 90x (Source)
  3. 84% of marketers use influencer marketing (Source)
  4. 81% of marketers say influencer marketing works (Source)
  5. 74% of consumers use social media to make buying decisions (Source)
  6. 73% of marketers say they have influencer marketing budgets (Source)
  7. Influencer marketing on Twitter increases purchasing intent by 5.2x (Source)
  8. Influencer marketing delivers 11x higher ROI than other Internet marketing (Source)
  9. 49% of people rely on recommendations from influencers when buying (Source)
  10. Word of mouth advertising retains customers 37% better than other advertising (Source)
  11. $6.50:$1 is the average return for influencer marketing (Source)

Account-based marketing statistics

  1. 97% of marketers say ABM delivers a higher ROI than other marketing strategies
  2. 90% of marketers use ABM marketing (Source)
  3. 170% is the average value increase for annual contracts secured through ABM marketing (Source)
  4. 7-12 people or decision-makers are involved in B2B sales (Source)

Native advertising statistics for 2023

native advertising statistics example with IBM

  1. In four of six study groups, most participants couldn’t discern native advertising from real articles (Source)
  2. Native ad headlines generate 308x more customer attention than images or banners (Source)
  3. Mobile advertising spending worldwide is to increase to almost $400 billion by 2024 (Source)
  4. Native ads earn 53% more views than traditional banner ads (Source)
  5. Native ads generate 53% higher purchase intent than traditional ads (Source)
  6. Only 5% of native ads actually say “ad” (Source)

Marketing audience stats for 2023

  1. 200 million people use ad blockers (Source)
  2. People spend an average of 37 seconds on an article (Source)
  3. 96% of consumers think the ad industry doesn’t act with integrity (Source)
  4. 73% of Millennials say it’s their responsibility to help loved ones make smart purchases (Source)
  5. Teens are 7x more interested in and attached to YouTube stars than traditional celebrities (Source)
  6. The average Internet user spends 28% of their time on social media (Source)
  7. 189 million Facebook users (18%) only use it on mobile (Source)
  8. 84% of social media users follow brands (Source)
  9. 63% of all Internet users regularly watch YouTube (Source)
  10. 89% of Millennials trust friend or family recommendations more than brand claims (Source)
  11. 44% of Millennials are willing to promote products through social media for rewards (Source)

Miscellaneous marketing statistics

  1. 80%的用户已经改变了他们的在线评论说minds about a purchase (Source)
  2. People are 79% less likely to buy from a website after a negative experience (Source)
  3. 63% of shoppers research before they buy a product (Source)
  4. 63% of people expect brands to use their purchase history to provide them with personalized experiences (Source)
  5. 63% of marketers say they don’t feel confident in their ability to effectively measure how their marketing efforts impact their ROI (Source)
  6. 46% of people will tell friends and family about a negative experience (Source)
  7. People are 44% more likely to develop a negative view of a company after a negative experience (Source)
  8. 10x is how much more it costs to earn a new customer than retain an existing customer (Source)
  9. Brand interactions described as “helpful” are 1.5x as likely to lead consumers to both buy from that brand and recommend that brand (Source)

What’s your 2023 marketing strategy?

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