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Google Index Checker: Is Your Site Indexed? Find Out!

Google’s search index featureshundreds of billions of pages, which the search giant uses to answermore than 70,000 searchesper second. That’s a lot of searches, and a lot of pages. What really matters, however, is if your site is in Google’s index.

If you’re wondering, “Is my site indexed?” you’re asking a great question.

With our Google index checker tool —try it here— you can get that question answered fast. This bulk index checker looks at your entire site in seconds and determines how many pages exist in Google’s index, which gives you a quick, simple answer to your question. Try our Google indexed pages checker now!

Or, keep reading to learn what this free tool does, as well as how to use it to check your site’s index status. Plus, get some additional information onsearch engine indexing.

What does this Google indexing checker do?

Using our free Google indexing checker, you can get a quick and easy answer to, “Is my site indexed?” without copying and pasting all your website’s URLs. Just enter your homepage URL, and our bulk index checker will do the rest.

Google index checker summaryEven better, our Google index checker will also assess your site’s:

This checker provides you with a 360-degree look at your website’s online performance, which can help you build a better strategy for marketing your company online, like by improving youron-page SEOoroff-page SEO.

Bonus reading: On-page SEO checker

How to use this Google index checker

If you want to try our Google index checker, it’s simple. Just follow these steps:

  • Go to ourchecker tool
  • Enter your homepage URL, like “”
  • Submit your information

In less than 30 seconds, the checker will compile a complete report for your site.

How to check your index status with this Google indexing checker

For determining your index status, scroll to the “Indexing” report.

Google index checker report

Within the “Indexing” report, you’ll see the following assessments:

Discovered pages

Google indexing checker

Using our Google index checker, you can immediately see how many pages from your site appear in Google’s index. This assessment will also provide advice for troubleshooting missing pages and submitting pages to Google.

URL resolve

Google index checker URL resolve report

The URL resolve assessment checks forredirectsto your preferred page version, like “” to “” Without these redirects, Google would view these pages as different websites, which would lead toduplicate contentissues.


Google index checker robots.txt report

Yourrobots.txt filecan prevent your website from entering Google’s index. That’s why our bulk index checker looks at your robots.txt file to make sure it doesn’t block Google’s crawler completely.

If it does, the checker will notify you.

XML sitemap

Google index checker XML sitemap report

TheXML sitemapassessment checks your site for an XML sitemap, which can make the work of Google crawlers easier. If you want tosubmit your URLs to Google, you can also use an XML sitemap to submit your URLs in bulk.

URL parameters

Google index checker URL parameters

URL parameters, like session ID, can help your business track user behavior on your site. These parameters, however, require careful setup and monitoring because Google can see them as duplicate content in some cases.

That’s why our Google index checker looks at your URL parameters.

Hreflang tags

Google index checker hreflang tag report

Hreflang tagsshare with search engines the language of your content, as well as if the content is relevant to specific countries. For example, you may specify a blog post is in Spanish and targeted towards Spain. Our Google indexing checker makes sure you’ve used hreflang tags correctly.

Broken links

Google index checker broken links report

Broken links, also called404 errors, can prevent crawlers from discovering and indexing pages.

They also lead to a negative user experience, which can affect how search engines rank your content in their index. With our bulk index checker, you canfind and fix 404 errorsfast.

URL underscores

Google index checker URL underscores report

When it comes to SEO, you want to follow best practices when naming new pages. Your URL, for instance, should feature hyphens versus underscores, which our Google index checker looks for when assessing your site.

Why use a bulk index checker?

Using a bulk index checker can help your business in a few ways, including:

  • Save time by checking all your URLs at once
  • Find if a page isn’t in Google’s index and why
  • Get aninstant assessmentof your site’s SEO

The fact that our Google index checker also grades your website, from its indexation to its SEO optimizations, can help your business prioritize fixes and initiatives. Plus, it can help you understand where you can improve your site and why you should improve those areas of your website.

FAQs about getting your site in Google’s index

Do you have some additional questions, getting into Google’s index? Browse our FAQ:

What is a search engine index?

A search engine index is like a library.

Google index GIF

It contains billions of books (or websites), which search engines collect by crawling the web.

When someone searches for something on a search engine, like Google, the search engine goes through its library and shares a list of its most relevant resources via its search results.

Why is getting my site indexed important?

You want to get indexed — or get into a search engine’s library — because that provides you access to a search engine’s audience.More than one billion people, for example, use Google every month to discover new brands, buy products, and get answers to questions that will shape their purchases later. If your website isn’t indexed, users won’t find it in search results.

Even if you use other strategies to get discovered, likesocial media marketing, you will severely limit your website traffic, conversions, and revenue. That’s why it’s critical to get indexed — and to check your index status with our bulk index checker.

How do I get my site indexed?

If you want to get your website into Google’s index, you havetwo options:

  1. Uploading a sitemap
  2. Request a crawl

Uploading a sitemap, which lists your website’s URLs, is the easiest bulk method for getting your site indexed. With this option, you’llcreate an XML sitemap, which you can make using a free tool likeScreaming Frog. Once you make your sitemap, log intoGoogle Search Console, visit your Sitemap report, and upload your sitemap.

Requesting a crawlis a quick way to submit a single URL to Google.

With this option, you’ll log into Google Search Console, go to the “URL Inspection” report, and enter the URL you want to submit. Once Google analyzes the URL, click “Request Indexing,” and Google will take care of the rest. While you can use either method, a sitemap offers the fastest option for getting your site indexed.

How long does indexing take?

Indexing times vary.

Google may take a few days or weeks before crawling a page or website, for example. Re-submitting requests or sitemaps won’t speed up Google’s response time, so submit your sitemap or URL and then get back to working on your website and business.

Is my site indexed? Find out now!

Earning a place in Google’s index is crucial to your company’s success.

Check Your Website’s Indexing Status Now!

When you appear in Google search results (and at the top of Google search results), you get access to a massive audience of consumers and business buyers, which can help your business secure more revenue.

The question is, are you in Google’s index?Find out instantlywith our Google indexing checker!

Try our free SEO Checker

Boost your site’s search performance with our free SEO Checker. Analyze your website for optimization tips on titles, headers, content, speed, and more. Get a free report now to enhance rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and beyond!

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