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What is Big Data? Everything You Need to Know


Big data describe the enormous amount of organized and unstructured data produced by people, businesses, and machines. It contains all kinds of information, such as social media posts, online purchases, sensor readings, and medical records. The proliferation of Internet […]

Read "What is Big Data" Now ~ 14 minute read

Web Crawler 101: What is a Web Crawler and How Do Crawlers Work?


Search engines are the gateway of easy-access information, but web crawlers, their little-known sidekicks, play a crucial role in surfacing and rounding up content around the web. Plus, they are essential to your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. What is […]

Read Blog Post ~ 5 minute read

How to Set Up Google Alerts: 4 Easy Steps for Monitoring and Tracking


Last updated: September 1, 2023 Wondering how to set up Google Alerts or learn more about them and how they can benefit you? That's exactly what we're covering in this blog post! So, just keep reading […]

Read Blog Post ~ 11 minute read

What is Machine Learning? Definition and Why It’s Important


Last updated: August 18, 2023 There’s more to the meaning of machine learning and how it works, which is why we’re bringing you this handy beginner’s guide! So if you want to find the answer to […]

A man in a gray shirt holds a giant cookie

How Ad Tracking Works in a Privacy-Focused World

In this video, Dan from the WebFX Marketing team will tell you how ad tracking works and explain some changes that are happening in the advertising industry. You'll be extra prepared for your next digital campaign. Transcript: Advertising tracking […]

Read Blog Post ~ 5 minute read

Stop, Thief! 5 Steps to Wipe out Stolen Website Content


If someone steals something from your house or store, you probably know exactly what to do. You call the police, describe what was taken, file an insurance claim, and try to get on with your life. But how do you […]

Static vs. Dynamic Websites: Which is Better for SMBs?


As a small business, your website is the key to your success. It often serves as potential customers’ first impression of your company, and visitors will come to your site to learn about your business, products, and […]

Read Blog Post ~ 7 minute read

80+ YouTube Marketing Statistics for 2023 That Will Blow Your Mind


Looking for some relevant YouTube marketing statistics for 2023? Look no further than this blog post! YouTube is both a social media platform and a search engine, meaning you can directly engage with your audience and create content that’s […]

What is Alibaba and How Can You Become an Alibaba Seller?


In this video, Chris from the WebFX Internet Marketing team will give you an overview of how to sell on Alibaba. Transcript: has over 13 million buyers around the world, so maybe it’s time you look […]

现在读“阿里巴巴” ~ 7 minute read

What Is Deep Learning? Hint: It’s Vital to Marketing and Beyond

Deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence — they’re all relevant terms in today’s ever-growing, technological world. But there is often confusion among the three words and how they differ. On this page, we’ll focus on answering the question, […]

Read Blog Post ~ 6 minute read