Google Ads Negative Keywords: How to Target Your Most Interested Audience

Jessica is a Google Analytics certified Digital Video Analyst at WebFX. She has created over 100 videos for the WebFX YouTube channel ( in the last two years. Jessica specializes in video marketing and also loves content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and many other aspects of digital marketing. When she's not creating videos, Jessica enjoys listening to music, reading, writing, and watching movies.

In this video, John from the Internet Marketing team has the scoop onGoogle Ads负关键字。了解如何通过负面影响来最大化广告潜力。

成绩单:Sometimes, being negative is okay, especially when it comes to your Google Ads campaigns.我说的是负关键字。这些单词或短语可以帮助您看到广告系列的更好结果,并将更多的投资投入到真正想与您的业务上花钱的人。

So, what are negative keywords?

Negative keywords are words that help you avoid showing up forunwanted searches在您的Google广告活动中。当您创建一定ad campaigns through Google Ads,,,,you different keywords so that people searching for a certain result or browsing a related website see your ads. But sometimes your ad may show up in front of people who aren’t quite interested in what you’re selling.这是一个简单的负关键字示例。假设您修理了谋生乐器。我说的是长号,大提琴,长笛……那些类型的乐器。

To drum up business (pun intended), you run a Search ad campaign targeting “musical instrument repair.” In your research, you discover that a popular search using your keyword is “musical instrument repair courses.”您不想吸引寻找仪器维修课程的人。这不会赚钱。因此,您需要使用负关键字功能确保您不出现for “musical instrument repair courses” and any other terms that aren’t relevant to you.

这不仅可以帮助您省钱,还可以增加您的钱ad performance。How, you ask?


Google wants you to create a good user experience with your ads. This is where质量得分comes into play.质量得分is衡量您的广告质量以1-10的比例。Google广告使用您的预期点击率,广告与用户的相关性以及您的目标页面经验determine your score

A higher Quality Score can lead to lower campaign costs and better ad placements.Using negative keywords helps you narrow your ad targeting down to the most relevant searches, meaning your ad will reach the most relevant people.If people in the market for what you’re offering click on your ad, it’s likely they’ll spend time on your website. This tells Google that your ad is relevant, and your landing page is creating a good enough experience to keep users interested.您的质量得分will get a boost, and since you’re using negative keywords to eliminate irrelevant terms, you’ll spend less money on clicks from people who aren’t going to become your customers.

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Before you start making your negative keywords list, you should know that there are a few types of negative keywords you can select for your ads: Negative exact match, negative phrase match, and negative broad match.

1. Negative exact match keywords

Negative exact match keywords are the least restrictive of the three match types.您的ads won’t appear if someone searches using the exact phrase you specify.So using the “musical instrument repair” example from earlier, if you make “musical instrument repair courses” your negative exact match keyword, you won’t show up for that phrase, but you may show up for other arrangements of the phrase like, “courses for musical instrument repair.”


In terms of restrictiveness, negative phrase match falls somewhere between broad match and exact match.使用这种负面匹配类型,您可以排除不必要的短语,但是单词必须以相同的顺序出现。与负面匹配不同,您用于负短语匹配的单词或短语可以附加附有其他单词。

因此,假设您向消费者出售珠宝供应用品,而您只销售少量。您进行了一些挖掘,并注意到您的广告系列正在出现“散装珠宝用品”。这不是您提供的东西,因此您将“批量”添加到负词匹配关键字中。Searches that won’t trigger your ads include “purchasing jewelry-making supplies in bulk” and “in bulk jewelry-making supplies.” Your ad may still appear for “bulk jewelry supplies” or any other similar searches that don’t use the full phrase, “in bulk.”

3。Negative broad match keywords

Negative broad match keywords restrict your ads the most, so use them wisely.使用此类型的负关键字,如果搜索以任何顺序使用您的所有受限关键字项,则不会出现您的广告。So with the jewelry-making supplies example, say you don’t sell materials for pearl necklaces. Let’s make “pearl necklaces” your negative broad match keyword.您的广告不会出现诸如“珍珠珠宝为项链制作用品”和“为珍珠酱和项链供应用品”之类的搜索,因为它们使用了“珍珠”和“项链”。If a search uses keyword variations like “pearls for necklaces” or “pearl necklace,” your ad may show because it doesn’t include both terms. Something as simple as a singular or plural word can trigger your ad.希望这些例子clarif负面关键词ied everything for you.

我知道,当您刚开始时,可​​能会有些混乱。Now that you know your options, I’m going to tell you how to get started with a Google Ads negative keywords list.

How to build your negative keywords list

If you already have ads running in Google Ads, you can look at thekeywords your ads are appearing forand see if there are any irrelevant ones you can eliminate.Then, using the knowledge you just gained about the negative keyword match types, you can go to the “Negative Keywords” section of your account and add those undesirable words and phrases to your campaigns or ad groups. Google Ads帐户的负关键字部分,其中包含用于输入负关键字的空间If you’re looking to build a new list of negative keywords, you can start your research with a keyword tool. Tools likeLSI Graph,,,,Ahrefs,,,,orSemrushall have keyword suggestion features that will help you build your negative keywords list. You might want to giveGoogle Ads的关键字计划者a try first. Google Ads Keyword Planner interfaceType the keyword or subject you want to target into your preferred research tool and make note of any popular keywords that don’t really make sense for you to target.

So, in another negative keywords example, if you sell plastic bottles, you probably don’t want to appear for searches looking for glass bottles.Keep in mind that if you use “glass bottles” as a negative keyword, you might appear for “glass bottle” because one word is plural and one is singular. Try to include all forms of your unwanted keywords in your list, maybe even common misspellings.Once you have your list ready, you can add it to yourGoogle Ads accountThen get ready to start saving money and earn more qualified leads for your business.

If you’re looking for a team of positive people to use negative keywords and otherGoogle广告最佳实践to drive a positive ROI, our pros would be happy to discuss what we can do for you.这是所有关于负面keywo我不得不说rds in this video. Before you launch your campaign, take a minute to subscribe to ourYouTube channelandRevenue Weekly,,,,our email newsletter, so you never miss the latest digital marketing insights.I’ve put the link to Revenue Weekly in the description for you!Thanks for joining me today!

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